Machanents Theatre

"Machanents" theater of Cross of Armenian Unity was founded in 1989 in Ejmiatsin. In 1989-91, the theater also had a children's troupe. The group included 13 children from the orphanage in Kamo (now Gavar). Since 2011, the theater has been called "Machanents". The only theater in Armavir marz operates in a more than 100-year-old building. The hall is designed for 70 people. There is also a theater-studio in the building of the "Machanents" theater, where about 40 children from the city of Ejmiatsin and neighboring villages receive preliminary theater education. Orphans, children with disabilities study for free. Now the theater has children's and youth groups. Comedies, dramas, puppetry and interactive performances are staged in the theater: "Unlived Life", "Love and Sclerosis", "Precious Elena Sergeevna", "3rd Eye", "Oscar and the Lady in a Pink Robe", "God's Door", " No Stigma and No Discrimination", "Cinderella", "The Lie Huntress", "Master and Servant", "Hansel and Gretel", "The Snow Queen", Emperor's New Clothes", "In the World of Fairy Tales", "The Foolish Man", "  Lazy Huri", "The Assembly of Mice", "Barekendan", "My Right", "We Are Not Afraid of Disaster", "Mane", "A Meeting with Jesus", "Saribek", "Blow the Lamp", "Angels Don't Weep" etc. . The theater has a permanent poster and a symbolic statue "My Sad and Happy Shoes", which are installed with the support of Ejmiatsin Municipality in the eastern part of Komitas square in Ejmiatsin. "Machanents" theater actively participates in festivals, such as "Nran Hatik" (“Pomegranate seed”) children's and youth festival, "Theatre X", "Art Fest", "Theatrical Lori", etc., and often returns with awards. Together with the Cross of Armenian Unity, the theater actively carries out social activities. It regularly shows free performances in border communities, remote villages, military units, schools, orphanages, giving the opportunity to representatives of vulnerable groups to become acquainted with theater art. (Make a donation →)


Phone: +37494-49-82-62
Address: RA, Ejmiatsin, 51 Shahumyan