
To purchase a product You need to pay for the product and shipping (for some products other fees as well) using your credit card at In case the payment is in foreign currency, the sum of money from your usd, euro or ruble account will be converted at the currently valid AMD exchange rate. The sum of money paid by You is non-refundable, except for the cases mentioned below.

The sum of money You paid for the product can be returned (except the amount of shipping and other costs incurred to deliver it) only if the product is returned at Your expense within 14 days and has preserved its original appearance and condition.

In case you have paid the part of the sum, the product will not be delivered until you pay the full amount (unless the product has been sold to third parties at that time). In this case, the process of returning the money paid is regulated by messaging or phone call. All transactions are made exclusively using the 3D Secure system.

*In case the product availability needs to be checked, you will receive a notification about it after sending Request. You will be able to make a payment after the notification confirming the availability of the product. You can see the notifications both on the website and your e-mail.